Code Examples
This document provides simple examples of how to use the Solargraph library. The examples are intended as a starting point for developers who want to modify or extend the library, or integrate its tools into other software.
Language client implementors who want to connect to Solargraph language servers should refer to the language server documentation.
Querying Ruby Core Methods
api_map =
pins = api_map.get_methods('String') # Get public instance methods of the
# String class
Adding a File to an ApiMap
api_map =
source = Solargraph::Source.load_string('class MyClass; end', 'my_class.rb') source # Add the source to the map
pins = api_map.get_constants('') # The constants in the global namespace will
# include `MyClass`
Adding a Workspace to an ApiMap
api_map = Solargraph::ApiMap.load('/path/to/workspace')
pins = api_map.get_constants('') # Results will include constants defined in
# the project's code
Querying Definitions from a Location in Source Code
api_map =
source = Solargraph::Source.load_string("x = 'string'; puts x", 'example.rb')
api_map.virtualize source
clip = api_map.clip_at('example.rb',, 23))
pins = clip.define # `var` is recognized as a local variable of type String
Querying Completion Suggestions
api_map =
source = Solargraph::Source.load_string("String.", 'example.rb') source
clip = api_map.clip_at('example.rb',, 7))
completion = clip.complete # Suggestions will include String class methods
Adding a Message to the Language Server Protocol
class MyMessage < Solargraph::LanguageServer::Message::Base
def process
STDERR.puts "Server received MyMessage parameters: #{params}"
Solargraph::LanguageServer::Message.register '$/myMessage', MyMessage
Adding a Diagnostics Reporter to the Language Server
class MyReporter < Solargraph::Diagnostics::Base
def diagnose source, api_map
# Return an array of hash objects that conform to the LSP's Diagnostic
# specification
Solargraph::Diagnostics.register 'my_reporter', MyReporter
More Examples
Developers are encouraged to refer to the specs for more examples of how to use Solargraph.